Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Oh, imprisoned being, are you trapped inside your traditions, inside your illusions, and inside your conformities?  Are you trapped inside your images?  Are you trapped inside the false securities where the “I” and “me” reside?

You should know that residing in this prison of the limited mind negates your true nature.  All the woes of the world have arisen from being entrapped in a false identity.

You should know that within our silent meditation lies the method whereby we can experience the vastness of space, and there we will find our true nature.  

Silent meditation is the method whereby we reconnect to our innocence, our timeless self, our youthfulness, our awakened mind, and our ability to be fully alive —  abounding with love and compassion.

Within our silent meditation, we may implement our loving and compassionate intention to manifest all good things.

When we end the “me”, the “I”, and separation from “the other”,  actual love and compassion radiate forth unceasingly.   In the spaciousness of our uncontrived natural mind, all sorrows come to an end. By ending this limited false image and illusion of the “me”, the “I”, something infinitely new will arise from within.

Here we arrive upon that which is timelessly sacred. Here is the path of effective action, of skilful means. Here is the motion of silent meditation. 

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