Thursday, 10 July 2014

Longchenpa said:

Tormented by problems, we take refuge in the Dharma and find the way to liberation.  Thank you, evil forces! 

When the mind is full of sorrow, we take refuge in the Dharma and find lasting joy.  Thank you, sorrow! 

Troubled by spirits, we take refuge in the Dharma and find inner strength.  Thank you, ghosts and demons! 

Scorned by enemies, we take refuge in the Dharma and find benefit and bliss.  Thank you, all those who despise us! 

Suffering the pain of life’s afflictions, we take refuge in the Dharma and find the condition of peace.  Thank you, adversity! 

Being pressed by others, we take refuge in the Dharma and find the crucial essence.  Thank you, all those who give us encouragement! 

Whatever merit we have is dedicated to all of you in remembrance of your kindness. 

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